By god! It is the answer to all our problems. The more you think about it, the more lucid the logic becomes. Imagine having caste-differentiated traffic lanes and multi colored bogies on the locals, OBC red, ST green, SC blue, MBC purple and OC yellow. No more jostling on the bus for seats, they are reserved!
You are MBC and you have a heart attack, why an MBC doctor will be there to treat you first. The doctor has been nurtured for this very moment by good old VP Singh. Matrimonials already help boost national dissection (as opposed to integration?). Let's make babies that are assured a seat in IIT.
Imagine reserving every one in two seats, every where, barbers' shops, bus stops, even movie theatres (yes, pay less if you produce your caste certificate).
Come to think about it, this kind of discrimination irked the hell out of us when the 'white skins' did it to us. I wonder why. It makes so much sense! White here, brown there. Backward aage, forward peeche. Just imagine getting an auto-upgrade on Indian flights with your caste certificate. The future is looking good!
The best thing that reservation ever did was to make the 'geniuses' from IIT and IIM mix with the 'local college wale'. Rang de basanti! Jai bharat mata di!
Tere ko reservation se problem hai kya?
Backward aage...forward peeche...nice line da...
and maybe soon we'll have a multi colored - multi ethnic - reservation full - indian cricket team too :D
how about reservation in booze...the OBCs can have unlimited Breezers while the rest can have only local sarakku...damn...
we live in a crazy world! my fav line too, thank you tempester.
think u ought to call urself
i actually dont get it....i am BC...does it make things for me any easier...if so i am for it....else...u r right aunty reservation..
aunty reservation? sigh. apun is pro-reservation, article phir se paad, madcap.
hell...dont blame madcap for thinking u were capable of sarcasm... of the most beautiful style of expression...but the true beauty lies in standing by what was said...
am i not sticking to my style?
---------batting my eyelashes like an angel--------
ok guys, it is time for a new post:)
Your sarcasm had bling all over it ambika...lets face it - you being an aunty-reservationist is a terrible understatement :) - you are it's personification ;)
'aunty mat kaho na'
no no lets not attack madcap ( aka 'idiot') from this far...apparently he is coming to good old chennai...phir dekh lenge usko.
and for the record this post clocks the highest comments...kudos...
thank you and well... make it one more...bottoms up, you know:)
but bas...khattam shud...right here!
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