Thursday, April 27, 2006

the mind of a masochist.

Its been a very tiresome day so far.
8 a.m -- got up - got woken up actually by two phone calls -
first 'ani cell' :D and then my mother -- wishing me on my b'day (as per the Star)!!

11 a.m -- after the phone calls, slept further and finally got up (got bored sleeping).

11.15 a.m -- Got ready, called up Abdul for breakfast. He had just gotten up too so I decided to wait for him. I continued reading 'Freakonomics' - by Lewitt.

12.30 p.m -- After getting bored reading that crap, finally went had a dosa and headed for work.

1 p.m -- checked mail,scraps, headed for lunch.

3 p.m -- rite now very utterly jobless. Thinking of going for this movie Ice Age 2( 5:30 show).

bit confused, bit tired ( crap!! Arsenal in the final's of the CL - man if they win I dont wanna watch football anymore :-( )

-- signing off - apologise for the lousy post!

and if ure still wondering why that title - sorry I dont know either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arsenal wont let you down, dont worry. you can watch football atleast for next one year as they are not going win CL