Monday, May 15, 2006

Dont keep things bottled up!

It grows on you, this addiction towards some people. It is good though, an addiction i wish everyone develops. Once in a while it help to follow what is written on the 7 up bada bottle. I noticed it when i was getting drunk, it says "dont keep things bottled up!" and i guess thats the way things among fronds should be. It is not only the booze that ought to flow, its the bitterness too, it shd mix with the vodka and dilute away, get dispelled in the air and fizz away. for some time the stench will sure remain. But soon that too will go away.


madcap said...

...of all the people to talk about booze and vodka

clicher said...

Couldn't agree more. Hope we wake up to it...

vineet said...

well said!