Sunday, December 17, 2006


well, for those of you who rate a little above the average - am talking about IQ -, which means you'ld have probably figured out the IP add. of the comp. i'm blogging from, YEP!!!.... I Am in KUwaIT

and for the remaining lot......yep, it's still KUWAIT!!! ( told ya, you aren't smart )

anyways...its cold (yes ambi, ham and sriram, it IS a DESERT!!!).....its really freezing!!!! (why the F am i using a lot of exclamation marks?!!! )

well, guess life's a bitch (courtesy: sriram)

wish i was in bed.....ZZZZZ staying at the

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

wht to do...wht to do?

Sit still in front of the comp...and wonder wht to do?

Go out to CCD for yet another coffee frappe with coffee cold chocolate ice-cream?

Go home...and read 'small is beautiful'?

Go home....log in and continue this post?

Read old posts...laugh my ass off?

Head to the pub... grab a beer and then maybe a few more?

Get busy...look up orkut and the hazaar communities?

Wish that there was some more work...and curse if it actually arrives?

....any other smart ideas btw?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Small town meets big city

Dearth of posts....
what-joy once an oasis among strained corporate lives and boredom now seems truly a question - what-joy? Philosophical as it may seem, it is the truth
- what-joy?
what-joy is life....what-joy is death....what-joy is work....what-joy is sleep....(any takers?)

Off-late wildlife photography's craving seems to re-surface in my insides. Been following Kalyan Verma's site a lil' closely I should say. Pretty inspirational, makes me want to ditch those point and shoots and go for that elusive SLR. It's the first and last entity in my wishlist ever - Nikon D70. Anyone magnanimous enough could gift me one of them (it's an open offer - and I'd be his/her lifetime buddy for sure). Can't wait to head to the banks of Mississippi and integrate with nature - once and for all - credits to my new found friend Kirby. Can u believe it - I have started to dream about nature (taking the place of porn and metal...nature) - hallucinate actually....preparing myself for that moment in wilderness with the camera in hand and wildlife all around me....

Small town meets big city - is the title I'd give to my not so great trip to Chicago this thanksgiving. You readers must have seen the pics. Didn't quite like the trip all that much - Chicago was a lil' too big and a lil' too fast for my liking I guess. However I should mention that Sears Tower was definitely a highlight - beautiful structure with a killer view. The place I lived temporarily was a mini-India, which proved to be a big turn-off. Same ol' humbug, stifling and nauseating I should say. Overloaded with work as of now - so taking a mid-crisis break to touch upon the blog. Can't wait for the next couple of weeks to pass - and then I'd head to Buffalo - thanks to the philanthropic friend of mine who booked my tickets.

A subtle realization - "a lot of things in life requires an annoyingly long wait ". A subtle wish - "and it better be worth it". Random thoughts....this is how it goes....nothing worth it though....

P.S: and don't bother about my birthday to gift one of those SLRs...any day would be fine.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Once in a while there comes a movie that outclasses the rest, period.

Iron Jawed Angels - remains the most wonderfully made movie I have ever seen. Sheer Class!

Ladies and gentelmen, do get your hands on this awesome movie as soon as possible !!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

diwali blues...

temperature soaring...heads chaos...yes thts quite how diwali is, was and will be but there I was just talking about my own state :(
viral fever took over friday night to spoil a much earned break and the diwali festivities.

Actually its nice to see how we went about diwali this time -- us roomies i.e
me in bed (disgrace)
one chap gone god knows where.
third one sleeping his ass off and the little kids downstairs bursting every cracker in town
was not quite a spectacle either.

And schumi went away...inspite of the bad weekend, schumi exit --life has to go on.
---temperatures soaring...head hammering....vicious circle ---grrrrrr!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


'Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.' (Genesis 2:1)

There is a storm brewing outside. The wind whips majestic trees into an undignified frenzy. Below, pools of streetlight illuminate sheets of needle-sharp rain. And far away, the sky turns a menacing crimson, the dawn of Mars on the once-benign horizon. I watch, barefooted and comfortably warm, through the thick glass that separates me from the fury beyond. Yes, undeniably, there is a storm brewing outside.

There is a storm brewing inside. A thousand memories are bursting inside my head, desperately attempting to escape the slow burial they were subjected for so long. My heart swells with strange, unnamed emotions and my mouth tastes of the sharp, acidic cocktail of exotic fears. Darkness is slowly closing in from the corners of my eyes.
Nothing seems amiss as the train speeds past the tiny platforms and my fellow passsengers look anywhere-but-here in glazed broedom. It is a crisp, sunny, positively beautiful fall day. Yet, there is a storm brewing close to home.

'Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, "It is done!" Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.' (Relevations 16:16-16:21)

Monday, October 09, 2006

qUesTioN oF tHe ceNtury

the dialogue....

october 1, 2006

madcap - the way, i quit smoKing

anusha - sMoking?...when did U ever start???...

(ain't the title right ?)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Electric Ganesha Land

And just in case if you people are wondering what in hell did i write in my last post....well here's a chance to do something you could do to provide some extent of intellectual satisfaction to yourselves while sitting around in office/classroom/lab/home instead of drowning in guilt over the unimportant stuff in life....try guessing what the last post was all about....

And in the meanwhile....

Guitar Prasanna....rings a yourself and click here

The direct personification of Sri Jimi....well that could be an understatement....a revitalization of soul stirring notes....soaring higher than any living being ever soared....a blending of typical triplicane down-to-earthness (Man I'm making up new lingos on-the-fly....i guess yankeeland is taking a toll on me) mixed with the technical accomplishment of a seasoned pro....his journey to Electric Ganesha Land (His latest album) has been one rigmarole....typical of someone with uncappable(here's one more of the make-ups....forgive me for that :) ) talent....never bogged down....never losing focus from the bird's eye - like the mythological arjuna.....believe in coincidences - well don't bother to quantify why he's from where he is from.....i wouldn't want to generalize.....he's just out of the world.

Coming back to earthly matters - ambi just did what I didn't have the spheres to do.....described in gruesome detail of her pathetic might look to the untrained eye as another piece of exaggeration....I don't want to assert anything here but all I would say is, you would be in a wee-bit on the wrong side of things if you think likewise.....things are's just that some lesser mortals choose to stay blind about it and comfort ourselves that people are leading shittier lives....

Listening to High Hopes - PF.....paradox - you would call....positiveness - I would like to believe

Friday, September 08, 2006

Only in America

Imagine this to happen in your own small space, yes small space is key here because an extrapolation here would be unimaginable - rather unbearable.

Sitting in a bus, plugged into your own personal music franticism (Don't bother with the dictionary, I made it up...bad vocabulary...inferiority complex...whatever u may call it) wondering what your own little world is heading to. Your favorite song ends on a happy note and then there's static flowing through those headphones. Sad, very sad that its not a noise-canceling bose that you're wearing; the screeching accent, the shrill laughter and blitzkrieg speed of bosh runs wild and free all around you, yeah you were wondering for a while why the realization seems so bit at a time baby(like the SHA-512 algorithm)...

Two human beings each sitting on either side of your better halves(Don't bother for alternatives....human beings is the closest you can get in an attempt to compare) rattling away to glory....a grin...a squeak...a fluttery barrage of butterfly language....and ofcourse how can one forget this terrible understatement - body language (they could write a whole dialect with just those actions - ASL should be keeping a watch - they might just run out of business)....and there's this fellow comrade sitting right across you giving that helpless look (Look around man, we're just outnumbered - terribly).

His facial reactions give a hint of reassurance (I'm in the same shit-hole buddy)....was it!! or am I imagining already....and there's this long Heartland express blinding-shining container that whizzes past and I catch a sorry glimpse of my prizes for looking as helpless as my countryman sitting right across inside the safety of the bus....The irony (don't ask me why...lets assume it's being used just because that damn figure of speech was invented) was that I see a sticker pasted across the window that says "Safe Place Call 1-800-232-5980" and I was seriously contemplating about it. What if this goes on and we end up in cutting fish and chicken that were to be served raw to someone who was willing to dollar the restauranteur just because raw food was hep and what mattered more while he was eating wasn't his taste buds but what he could reason out to his colleagues and subordinates an hour later - why his fart smelled funny.

And now to the part which everyone loves...."the blame game"....will be continued in my next instalment...

What the hel i'l probably refarin from using any double L's from now on....

I don't want to get sued over plagiarism....over some dumb ol' pictures
Image Courtesy:

Monday, September 04, 2006

Somethings never change

Hey long time no post.... so here it goes.

I visited 18 school road...which is to say SBOA school and jr college ...a week looked strange.....almost alien....lotsa buildings......there is even a building around the basketball court....(imagine!)

The staff rooms resemble office spaces with proper cubicles and all that...the class rooms are the same.....the students look familiar... a group of girls giggling near the model school building (near the boys tiolet) ..... a couple of boys putting on their football boots before practise....

I was shokced to see the same grand old basketball coach teaching small kutti girls to overcome their mindset about the tall daunting basketball post....

Srinivasalu (pardon spell) .....with his customary frown ...shook his head and said "do some excersie daily" ...when I told I did not have much time, he said "Dont give excuses"....Somethings never change...

I met John Gerand.... and got a reco from him....he was very nice....remembered all the plays I had acted in...their names even....remembered my speeches... I remember the first time I fell in love with writing ....It was in 11th class...I had written a piece ....and he had asked me to read class along with a few others....After I had finished mine...he said " Two things make up a written work- matter and manner.... when the former is solid and the later is beautiful...the piece works...I want you all to learn it"...

I bid him and other english teachers farewell...I kind of remember the time in 12th when I was meeting him on a saturday....for some magazine related work...he fainted in front of me....they took him to hospital.....he was in intesive care for a week...a god fearing good soul..he was...he pulled through....

Yesterday my mom told me that he had another heart-attack.... the day after I met him....he is in a hospital in Madurai... its his last year of service...he has no children...his only love was the work he did...teaching students to love english.... A life worth it i guess.

Somethings never change...and some people never die.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What's the difference between a nerd, a geek, and a dork?

We've been called all three, and to be honest, we always assumed they meant the same thing. However, according to the cool kids, there are differences.

Official definitions for nerd, geek, and dork each use the words "inept" and "foolish." Nerds have the added distinction of being "unattractive." Ouch. While it's hard to argue with the dictionary, we sought out definitions from the Internet at large.

According to, nerds are people of above-average intelligence who place little importance on their appearance. Nerds are often aware of their status, but they don't mind. In fact, many take pride in the putdown, as it means they're smart and not wrapped up in superficial worries.

Geek is a more specific term. Back in the day, geeks worked at carnivals, and (according to the dictionary) "bit the heads off live chickens." Thankfully, the term now has a different connotation. Like nerds, geeks are smart, but they tend to focus more on technology. As Urban Dictionary explains, these are the people you make fun of in high school and later work for as an adult.

Being called a "dork" is the biggest insult of the three. There's no way you can spin it into something positive. After all, even the dictionary writes that dorks are "stupid" people. And to make matters worse, dorks assume they're cool. Oh, and they smell, too. read more visit source

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

a PSYCHO-lOgicAl conVersatIon

let me begin this by letting you people know that anusha happens to have a very bad habit of letting the computer running and doze off meanwhile........any effort to message her would definitely be found to be a complete waste of time

i now, endeavour to produce the entire conversation in its true form.....

me: let me guess
u arent going to reply
u just left the computer running
and u r busy elsewhere
anusha: hey
me: not bad
anusha: whts with ur nostrils
i always have trhe comp running
coz it is a mesed up old system tht takes forever to start
and i always come in late
me: just like the owner i guess
anusha: cant afford to start work late too

po da
me: so hows life da/
and yeah..OYE
anusha: one sec mom's call
and yeah life is good
me: cool loooooooong is ur 1 second?
Sent at 9:10 PM on Monday
me: poda
i hate girls
u r a girl
so i hate u

man, am i thinking smart today
maybe its cos i am talking to u
anusha: amazing logic
me: how come u thinking smart too
u havent been talking to me
u have been ignoring me for the past 7 min 37 secs
i am bored
anusha: shud up
me: 49
anusha: u went offline
u are always bored
me: ok.gotta start aging
obviously........i dont have anyone
anusha: po da..
so hows work going..
btw wht time is it there
me: its nine thirty
anusha: how long do u work
regular 8 hr shift?
me: u busy?
where are u?
think i'll post something on the blog.........maybe abt u

so there......and so i conclude

Monday, July 10, 2006


Need anything more be said?

One man's passion a Nations dreams, .... one man's folly and a Nation's pain?

Zizou the God....Zizou the heartbreaker

The end of an era

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


ZIZU --chosen by Pele as the player of the decade ....the toast of this world cup

Henry the first --- the defence breaker...yup he caught roberto carlos sleeping

Vierra the Inspiration --- replaced Zidane in a game and showed why he shd a star

Barthez the savior ----- the penalty box is his...vetran..and feared..

Ribbery the struggler ---- untiring young deterrmined legs


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

the world cup...the fever...the magic..the pain

Ok if you didn't know -- the World Cup is already over. A worldcup semifinal lineup with italy and france in it is nothing but a farce, a disgrace.
Dont bother watching it.

We all witnessed the final before the final - Argentina vs Germany.
It showed what this great game is all about - the beauty, the passion, the celebration -
argentina's one touch passing (simply wonderful), german resilience,grit,fearlessness, Pekerman's nervous blunder turning a game well and truly in his pocket, the fearless fighter in Ballack, the fist fight at the end - it was vintage 'world cup'.
The only sad part was the exit of Argentina :-(...favourites turned chokers!

Was part of an orkut community named '2006 Champions - Argentina', after the game friday night it was promptly renamed as '2010 Champions - Argentina'
-- as they say the hope will live on.

and all this talk about - they play the best football, they peaked too early, they are a bunch of old men, they are unplayable - its all bullcrap - there is only one winner at the end of it all and they are all that matter.

this man above has been, for me the symbol of this world cup -
skill, grit, determination and instinct.
Thank the lord he's playing for Chelsea next season :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Sea Of Stories

As a writer aspiring to be published i have decided to maintain a blog to chronicle my journey towards getting published. This blog will in addition house a few of my sample pieces of writing and my opinions about the books that I read.

I'll rant and rave there, I'll brood and rejoice there. Keep reading regularly and post your comments and opinions.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The 5 Questions Most Feared by Men

had to post something!! so here goes a collection! a bit modified

The 5 Questions Most Feared by Men

1. What are you thinking about? 2. Do you love me? 3. Do I look fat in this? 4. Do you think she is prettier than me? 5. What would you do if I died?

What makes these questions so difficult is that every one is guaranteed to explode into a major argument if the man answers incorrectly (i.e., tells the truth). Therefore, as a public service, each question is analyzed below, along with possible responses.

Question # 1: What are you thinking about? The proper answer to this, of course, is: " I'm sorry if I've been pensive, dear. I was just reflecting on what a warm, wonderful, thoughtful, caring, intelligent woman you are, and how lucky I am to have met you."
This response obviously bears no resemblance to the true answer, which most likely is one of the following: a. Football. b. Golf. c. How fat you are. d. How much prettier she is than you e. How I would spend the insurance money if you died.
Perhaps the best response to this question was offered by some Shah, who once told some Remya, "If I wanted you to know what I was thinking, I would be talking to you!"

Question # 2: Do you love me? The proper response is: "YES!" or, if you feel a more detailed answer is in order, "Yes, dear."
Inappropriate responses include our style:
anarchist- Oh Yeah, shit-loads !
vineet- Would it make you feel better if I said yes? (and can have the wine now? atleast)
some sage in himalayas- That depends on what you mean by love.
tempester- Does it matter?(can v go to bed now?)
madcap - Who, me? yeah sure.. anything...

Question # 3: Do I look fat? The correct answer is an emphatic: "Of course not!"
Incorrect answers are:
sage- Compared to what?
madcap- I wouldn't call you fat, but you're not exactly thin.
portwine vineet- A little extra weight looks good on you.
shah o Blah- I've seen fatter.(been fatter!!)
anarchist- Sorry what did you say? I was just thinking about how I would spend the insurance money if you died.

Question # 4: Do you think she's prettier than me? Once again, the proper response is an emphatic: "Of course not!"
Incorrect responses from us would include:
Port vin- Yes, but you have a better personality.
tempester- Not prettier, but definitely thinner .
anarchist- Not as pretty as you when you were her age.
sage- first of all - Define pretty!!

Question # 5: What would you do if I died? A definite no-win question.(The real answer, of course, is "Buy a Lotus and a Boat"). No matter how you answer this, be prepared for at least an hour of follow-up questions, usually along the these lines: ( a case in point would be mr.madcap)
WOMAN: Would you get married again?
madcap: Definitely not! (Yeeeaaaaaah right!!)
WOMAN: Why not - don't you like being married?
madcap: Of course I do. ( other gals feel safe with me:-) !! )
WOMAN: Then why wouldn't you remarry?
madcap: Okay, I'd get married again. (if u insist .. )
WOMAN: You would? (with a hurtful look on her face)(dam her for that!!)
madcap: (makes audible groan)
WOMAN: Would you sleep with her in our bed?
madcap: Where else would we sleep? ( ive got ideas! - public train, my friends car, etc ) (we know him right?)
WOMAN: Would you put away my pictures, and replace them with pictures of her?
madcap: That would seem like the proper thing to do. ( yeah with those hidden ones on the comp)
WOMAN: And would you let her use my golf clubs?
madcap: She can't use them; she's left-handed. (oooooops!!)
WOMAN: - - - silence - - -
madcap: Sh&%.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Not the last

She looked good, infact she looked great! She had her hair neatly made up. She looked like an angel, she was all i had my eyes for. The walk she walked, and the smile she smiled, I was slipping and sliding in my tracks, I was walking to keep pace with her, I was stopping to avoid catching up with her. I was awed by her, I was frightened of her. She was sitting by the water-drained swimming pool, looking into the pool, if it had held water the pool would have reflected her beautiful face, enabling me to stay behind her and yet catch a glimpse of her, but now i had to take the chance. I did not know what was getting to me, but this was amazing, i was dying to get a glance at her but petrified of getting one from her. Such courage had never come over me, i walked right up there and sat beside her. She smiled at me, god! heaven! what a face! what eyes! she looked at the others and what they were doing, and quite suddenly she said "Lets dance" and yes, we danced, ball dancing in an empty swimming pool. In no time we were in love.

That was in LKG, we lasted till UKG, after which we had to part, higher studies had beckoned me. First love. And by no means the last.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Prologue: 18 School Road..

Akash stood in front of the huge building and looked at the enormous
structure. It was hard to believe that here he would have his
victory. People moved in quickly, not bothering to realize the
significance of the moment, but ofcourse! they were also in a hurry to catch
their seats.

He was in no hurry, in fact he was trying to savour the taste of
his achievement. To any other person just appreciating such an effort would
have seemed enough, but such ordinary souls can never know the true
pleasure of achievement.

Inside - the whole stadium was jam packed, every square inch seemed
occupied. But Akash was not worrying about his seat; he had one
on the dias. He was 36 but felt more like 50, the receeding hairline
and the slight wrinkles on his face bore witness to the hours that he
had put into his work, the days he had spent immersed in duty and the nights he had spent denying his begging eyes the pleasure of sleep; And now finally he had something to show for

On the stage, he was the youngest of the dignitaries, but had he not
seen more than them all? Looking at the vast gathering, stirred in him
a sense of loneliness that he had cultivated within, his spirits were
questioning him. There was turmoil in his mind, his decisions were
haunting him.

Had he been right in his decisions?

Had he acted too soon?

The battle with these questions had been raging ever since that fatal day. The day the earth shuddered and the ocean sneezed.

The tsunami had destroyed every thing in its path, shores, buildings,
resorts, fishing communities, and lives. The mere ripple in the mighty
ocean had snuffed out the faith from pious souls and put the fear of god into the hearts of the faithless. People's lives had been turned upside down. Souls had repented in agony when their loved ones met the sea on land. It had taken only a
moment to impact millions of lives. It would take lifetimes to undo that moment.
A lakh and a half had lost their lives and it left more suffering from starvation
and disease. It has been 15 years since, but homes and eyes weep even

After the guests had spoken flattering words in his honor, they moved down towards their special seats. When he settled down in his seat he began looking around for
her, ofcourse she had to be there somewhere. Just then he saw Sunitha
and their eyes met. She came upto him, with her ever comforting smile
and ease of character she slipped her palm into his.

"Its been a long time" she said, "Yes, and good of you to come". As he
looked at her, he realized that she looked a lot younger than him.
"looks as if you never started aging, secret magic potion uh?" he asked.
Was she smiling now or blushing?

He was about to ask her about her family when someone came up behind
her. "This is my husband Kabir, and Kabir, this is Akash", Sunitha made the introductions, they shook hands. "I am proud that my wife knows you" said Kabir
"It is nice of you to have come" Akash added. Just then the announcement began, Sunitha and Kabir congratulated Akash again and headed off to their seats.

As he watched Sunitha and her husband head to their seats, he caught
sight of a dupatta- lo! she had chosen that color,
a bracelet- he knew the shop where it came from
a face- yes, he had been in love once ...
and his mind flew, across years and events and time he could hardly hear the thousands in the crowd chant a name, the music began, the crowds went wild.
The stage was set but Akash slowly flew back to ...

to a time when the road were playfields, to an age when eyelashes fluttered to break hearts, to a place called 18 school road...where it all really began.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Before the monsoons came

In cochin, lakes around us, trees bathing in the perennial rain, the smell of puttu and meen curry, the silent cooing of a bird hidden by the glorious view, the rising sun, us guys and a life.

The rains hadnt arrived yet, it was may after all, and yet it poured; not the rain that brings the gods, but the rain that wets, entices and receeds. It wasnt monsoon yet, but we feared that rain may come and spoil our week long vacation. It hinted so at the very outset, the first morning was spent indoors, five young guys watching a romantic comedy, those were the 'anything goes' days. We werent prejudiced against a kind of cinema, or genre of books - hell we went and sat among cheering kids to watch harry potter meet a prisoner from god knows where. We had'nt met the monsoon yet.

A ferry ride to the other side of the city, gliding through the waters that made room for the huge container ships and the rain drenched fishermen. We were just spectators, the skyline of the port city was performing, the unmoving beauty moving hearts. A walk on the shores of the sea, on the edges of a great nation, sea clammering against the man made wall, trying hard to claim a piece of the beauty we stood on. A shimmering glimmering sun preparing to drown on the far side of the ocean. We stood mesmerised, virgin men who had'nt met the monsoon yet.

A drive to the lake paradise called Alleppey, a king's feast in a loving home to celebrate the birthday of a boy we knew for just that one day. A hearty burp.

A rented boat, five friends, two hours of solitude. Crushes were disclosed, stories were shared, tomorow will be a struggle, today was magic. Birds in the sky, fish in the river, smiling boys who had'nt met the monsoon yet.

That trip ended in hugs, And Something else ended too. For as soon as we left the monsoon came. It was bound to catch up with us. After all Indian trains are known to be slow.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

10 b' memories...

(phone call)
ham - hey how about group study ure place da...
me - wokay!! i like the idea (grinning and telling myself - last time shanky, mama and I had a group study we broke the table fan - lets see where we can get this time)

(2 hrs and a shower later - ham arrives)

After casual conversation with mum we head to the room...

me - so wht today da...?
ham - u like her right?
me - sachin man - amazing - u saw the game yday?

(meanwhile phone rings - arvind on the line)

arvind - saw the game yday dude? sachin awesome man !!! where's the cd u promised da - cricket 97
me - sachin - god da!! cd tomorrow da - still playing. ok dude bye!

me - so wht did we say we're going to do?
ham - u like her right?
me - er...hmmm... (smile)
ham - (grinning) i knew it - i knew it!!! u like her right?
me - no da.. srk sucks man!
ham - call her da.
me - what? er...noo!
ham - lets call her da!
me - u call...(now really interested)
ham - miss call?
me - no da .. u talk - we'll say sthing!
ham - ok number de
me - **********

(its ringing)

ham - shhhh!! chup kar na
(her mum picks up)

ham - hello (meekly)
aunty - hello who is this?
ham - can I speak to $#$#?
aunty - who is this?
ham - (looks at me, appearing very shaky and finally replies) Arjun maybe!
aunty -er? ok ok - she is studying...cant speak now. Call later.

(ham hangs up)

ham - phew! saala bach gaya :-)
me - bata na ! bata na! kya hua...
ham - nothing yaar... told her i'm arjun (chuckles)
me - why do you have to mess things up da?
ham - u like her right?
me - $%$%#^$%&%^&

Ashy Express

Some conversations are forever....they stay in your memories and they symbolize the kind of ppl we r and the relationship we share...

so here r some pearls..

11th std starting
Ham: why the hell did u go propose to that girl??
Ashy: Cuz u like her...

11th std ending

Ham: I told her i love her
Ashy: And....
Ham: She clued me into what she feels
Ashy: ??
Ham: She said she wont tell me untill she tells, but when she does it will be affirmative...
Ashy: smart girl..

12th std

Ham: She saw u in those glasses and thought u looked particularly horny
Ashy: uh?
Ham: Apparently she thinks horny means funny.
Ashy: Hmm...sighhh..

College 1st yr
Ashy: (emotional) i love her god dammit!
Ham: what about charu?
Ashy: her too..
Ham: what about ...
Ashy: fuck you!

College 2nd yr
Ham: She introduced me to her dad..
Ashy: As what?
ham: A good, close friend (beaming)
Ashy: So you screwed it up again..

College 3rd yr
Ashy: I had tea in her place
Ham: ok..?
Ashy: I am almost there...
Ham: yeah...almost..

College final year

Ashy: It has to be special to last 2 years...
Ham: In which time you met her 3 times .....a total of 45 mins...
Ashy: She runs a buisness in Mauritius...he dad has numerous companies...uncle owns satyam theatres....bla ..bla..
Ham: Well, its special as hell...can we get nightshow tickets?

Come back da....miss ya a lot

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

writing my soul to the devil

Being a Brahmin is no big deal

The only problem occurs when you can’t decide the type…….

IYER, I believe is cool.
But not as cool as IYENGAR….

Well, of course, being an Iyengar would mean cutting down on eggs


A statement enough to make chickens turn in their Grill….I mean Grave

Now, what the heck is this BRAHMIN thing about?………


Ok, my current crush might make one to stop and wonder about the status of the previous one….Sandhya

Sandhya……I love from the bottom of my heart

But Eshita, a Brahmin,….from top, bottom, front, back, left, right and center

What surprises me, however, is the fact that OUR Gang is filled with “Rhyming Pairs”

Avi n Palli

Hams n Rams

Ashy n Eshy…..

Vinni n Kavi……

Amby n………..Bomby?!……hmmmm, interesting

Anyways, guess Amby and my Mom are nowhere around as of now……….SAFE!!!

Signing off,

Ashok Krishnan

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Phir wahi baat.

By god! It is the answer to all our problems. The more you think about it, the more lucid the logic becomes. Imagine having caste-differentiated traffic lanes and multi colored bogies on the locals, OBC red, ST green, SC blue, MBC purple and OC yellow. No more jostling on the bus for seats, they are reserved!
You are MBC and you have a heart attack, why an MBC doctor will be there to treat you first. The doctor has been nurtured for this very moment by good old VP Singh. Matrimonials already help boost national dissection (as opposed to integration?). Let's make babies that are assured a seat in IIT.
Imagine reserving every one in two seats, every where, barbers' shops, bus stops, even movie theatres (yes, pay less if you produce your caste certificate).
Come to think about it, this kind of discrimination irked the hell out of us when the 'white skins' did it to us. I wonder why. It makes so much sense! White here, brown there. Backward aage, forward peeche. Just imagine getting an auto-upgrade on Indian flights with your caste certificate. The future is looking good!
The best thing that reservation ever did was to make the 'geniuses' from IIT and IIM mix with the 'local college wale'. Rang de basanti! Jai bharat mata di!
Tere ko reservation se problem hai kya?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

WE rocked!!....IT sucked!!

Cricket after ages....we had lost our form.....but class as they say is we showed the school kids watching us how to play some good old gentleman's game...actually the fact that they were waiting for us to clear the ground is infact an insignificant fact.....we rocked!!....

Arvind with his ricky po****** kind of stroke play was in his element....Avi with his bowling was mindblowing ...he bowled righ fast, right medium, right leg spin, right off spin, left (ditto)...Me the good old sehwag blindness...ball dissappearing...into the grand stands....we rocked!!.....

Every muscle in the body said dont .....but our lion hearted ....welll ...hearts kept us going....we fell down in exhaustion .....but got back to play one last time....

the moments in which an energy drained arvind ran 40 yards to take a blinding catch will be etched in our memories

...the sight of a tired avi running in to bowl the ball of his life...will inspire those dumb kids on the boundary line all their lives..

As i took guard for the last time that evening and perished trying to clear the boundary one more time...i went down convinced that i had given it my all...we all had...we rocked!!...

Later we saw 36 china sucked!!...

Friday, May 26, 2006




Thursday night found me in a DANCE BAR

Three Beers, Seven Cigarettes, Five scantily clad dancing girls and I’m still SOBER?!


Boozing, of course, reminded me of the DUDESS and her skill at throwing PEANUTS


3 AM Rendezvous with a HOOKAh finally did the work







Wake up!

Its called 'realizing'-- it happens to all the people all the time. It can make things clear, crystal clear! all of a sudden one morning you wake up and realize that its not the way it was yesterday-this life. You wake up to the reality of it all, understand that life is all about living, its all about going on. Today you are where you are, in a few days you are gone, somewhere else, as someone else.

A differet role, a different life, you dont want those memories anymore, you dont want that self anymore. You want to be what you want to be, you want to be different. It can happen, happens all the time to all the people. You just have to wake up one morning to the realization that your life is yours to live, yours to breathe, yours to celebrate.

You can dream for an eternity of what wasnt and what couldnt be, but that is living in made up reality, you need to learn the art of moving on, you need to master the skill of forgetting, they are life saving skill sets.

Open your eyes, tell yourself you are not that anymore, not that, that was yesterday. Today you are what you are, a far cry from yesterday.


Arre, O, Mumbai, apun ko tujhse anth me pyaar ho gaya. Tu dikhne me khaas nahin hai, tera dil bilkul kaala hai, bilkul apun ke jaise, hai na? Phir bhi tera mera janam janam ka rishta hoga, kya?
It must be magic, because to miss living in a city that is a swirling eddy of taxis, garbage, history and people (god, the people), I must be insane. But after one mouthful of zunka-bhakar and a couple of rides in those crazy locals, I can't think of living anywhere else (except Auroville). It is so easy to get sentimental, yahan rehna matlab filmy ho jaana. Arre, teen maheeno me maine dus baras ki kahaniyaan ikhatee kar liye hain. I think I will even miss the Sheraton.
All that beer and the casual dating, art fart film premieres and malling, damn just listen to me, I am going soft!
I haven't bumped into the Bachchan baby as yet. (as yet.) I even had rasam rice and aloo curry for six hundred bucks but all and all I have had a lovely time, thank you.
And when I do fly out of the country, like I should (my Indian visa says that this foreigner has been granted permission to stay for a stipulated period of time), my final glimpse of India will be Mumbai. Like it should. Sigh. Alvida meri jaan!

early to bed, early to rise... makes you!

9 o' clock in the morning can get so lonely in office. Nobody around - specially in a place as lazy as hyderabad where ppl have lunch at 3 in the afternoon and believe me u - dinners going upto 2 in the night!

So I was saying, my routine and work ethics have quite transformed in the last couple of weeks -
I sleep early, wake up early, makecoffee, read the early morning paper, get ready, get some breakfast and get to work.

I think this is all to do with growing up - you learn to gather what's good for you and what's not - (now stop pointing that revolver at me, Arvind!)

Its all about being a Good Boy and realizing your inner self. Period.

ok i admit writing the above was difficult!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Rendezvous with 'Ham'i Gundewal

Aj hum ek safar pe jaane waale hain...ek alag sa safar...mumbai ke galiyon se lekar dubai ki shaan tak...dhandhagiri se shuru karke...goli-bandook ko paar karke...laal diaryiyon ka pichvade dikhake...ab edon ka eda banke bait rahen hain in dono..."kuch bolo mat nahin tho maa-behen ek kar doonga saala" yahin inka mantra ban gaya hai...aur in sab ko aapke paas laane ki bhaagya mujhe...Hami Gundewal ko mili hai...

Hami: Tho aaj aap edon ki eda bane hai...tum logon ko kaisa mehsoos ho raha hai?
"V": sarkar bol saale kameene -- respect dikha!!!
"A": bol bachchan band kar...nahi to airport se nikalte hi thok dunga saale pata hi nahi padega kaun kya kiya

Hami: (Airport...aiport kahan se aa gaya...humto chai shop mein beithe hain)...are main to apke baare me acha hi toh bola?
"A": abe saale!!!! ek baar bolna kaafi nahi hai kya!!!!(raises revolver)
"V": abe "A" chup kar yaar...woh humko edon ki eda bol raha hai...matlab janta hai?
"A": bolna padta hai saale...
"V": kyun?
"A": kyunki main "A" hoon saale...
"V": chuth!...main bhi to "V" hoon to kya hua...edon ka eda matlab hum mast aadmi hain sumjha..

Hami: Haan to ab bataiye...
"V": Edon ka Eda tho hume dar see pukar rahe hain...
"A": Force ka aadmi hun...laal diary mein itna entry kar diya ki ab laal diary nahi balki laal extra large 300 pages notebook chahiye...
"V": gaandu...tu force ka admi nahi re...underworld ka aadmi hai...
"A": are haan be..."Force ka aadmi NAHIN hun...laal diary mein itna entry kar diya ki ab laal diary nahi balki laal extra large 300 pages notebook chahiye..."
"V": chutiya saala...agar force mein nahi ho tho laal diary ke saath kya karoge?
"A": abe haan yaar..."V" bhahut dimag hai yaar tumko....abe "Hami" saale sun lo aakhri baar bol raha hoon..."Force ka aadmi NAHIN hun...laal diary mein itna entry NAHIN kar diya ki ab laal diary nahi balki laal extra large 300 pages notebook NAHIN chahiye..."
"V": Mast yaar...ab tune sachmuch dikha diya "V" aur "A" milen tho kya ho sakta hai...

Hami: Deadly combination hai saab..tum logon ka...
"A": Jai aur Viru ke baad "V" aur "A" ko thokne ke liya koi saala paida he nahin hua...
"V": "Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting...Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting...Thodi si Dhool Meri Dharti ki mere vatan ki..."
"A": Abe saale ab tumko kya ho gaya...rang de basanti ka gana kyun ga raha hai...
"V": Oye...Jai aur Veeru ke baare me bolne par mujhe "Basanti" ki yaad aa gayi yaaar....Oye..."Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting"
"A": Abe hum gangster hai yaar...
"V": Oh haan re..."abe saaala thok dunga tumhe...saale...maa-behen ko kar doonga"...
"A": Abe dialogue change karna yaar...bore ho gaya wohi dialogue sun sun ke...
"V": Tho yeh kaisa hai yaar "abe maa-behen thok dunga...saaale...tumhe kar doonga"
"A": Oye achcha hai...par maa-behen ko hum kyun thoken?...aur "tumhe kar doonga"? kya karenge?
"V": Jo bhi re...

Tea Master: Abe gandu log...kitna gilas tea piyenge re...chootiyon...pehle account settle karo...
"A" & "V": "abe maa-behen thok dunga...saaale...tumhe kar doonga"...
Tea Master: Saale mujh par hi dikh rahe hai kya...agar aur bola to garam pani phenk doonga aur tum logon ko tumhari mooh hi pehchan nahi hogi...
"A" & "V": "Ji Huzoor!!! Jo aap bole"

Hami: Saale dono edon ka eda nahi par choothiyon ka chutiya hai
"A" & "V": "abe maa-behen .....
Hami: chup saale varna mein tun logon ko thok dunga...


camp david!

folks let me introduce you all to a magic mansion :-)

this is not your American 'presidentil retreat' where the likes of Bush and other weirdo junkies have been flaunting themselves tirelessly...

The camp I mention here is a cardboard shop located somewhere beside Yeses in the middle of Anna Ngr.

One fine evening, (on our way to Krati's place -- yes this was before we were to hear the words that inspired this blog 'what joy')... 4-5 years ago, I was taken by Ashfaq (once named 'fuck face' by the now 'notorious' bomby) to a world - 'nirvana' - that I had never ever known of before.

"A world where silence is peace, white smoke is bliss and rings can never be hollow"

It was the world of Davidoff cigarettes where all you ever needed to do, is take that long slender cigarette next to your middle finger, raise it a bit and then a bit more until they touch your lips, turn your head to the side, smoke and attain eternity.

The shop owner in his old white shirt and colourful lungi looked like our messiah at the doorstep, welcoming us to paradise.

5 years and 5 days since, here we are - the world exists, our lives still placid but things having moved on, I have 'almost' quit smoking and Ashfaq graduating to Irani hookah - there is one doubt, one concern that haunts me - Have we forgotten the past? Have we behaved like strangers disguised as stuntmen? Are we the same today or will we ever be after that evening 'the twilight of sanctity'?

I think its time to light up once again -- ignite the white symbol of freedom. Its now or never brother!

Welcome everybody to 'Camp David'-- welcome to paradise! ... your fate is now in your hands.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


feel totally dissapointed guys,....i can now claim to be a truly struggling writer.
I had entered this short story contest, that claimed that it would provide a platform for budding writer. Now all the finalists are previously well established, and published authors.

I am but getting used to getting screwed

But i know that break is jus round the corner....but which corner??

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Evesdropping on wordless conversations

DAY 1 of the blog

Anarchist: what does one do with this, looks like an invite?
Sriram: to where?
Anusha: Did i get an invitation?..I am sure i did?

DAY 7 of the blog

Anarchist: Everyone is posting....
Sriram: Hmmmm....what did u say?
Anusha: How does this thing work?

DAY 14 of the blog

Anarchist: To post or not to post...
Sriram: wa?
Anusha: Reading is nice...writing takes a lot of effort...sigh...

DAY 21 of the blog

Anarchist: I think i will post
Sriram: I think i will not
Anusha: I'll think


Anarchist: Damn! now i wont!
Sriram: Damn! now i will
Anusha: Damn!

Monday, May 22, 2006

…ok this blog just crawled over to IRAN

day 1

on my way to the airport…terminal 2

PROPELLER AIRPLANES…didn’t know they were in existence

…really wondered which idiot would choose to travel in those…

45 minutes later


Fine…it’s not all that bad…IRANIAN AIRHOSTESSES…nice!

1000 feet high, and the view’s pretty amazing… arAbiaN gUlf rocks

air-borne for 10 minutes

CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!…never mind the whizzing sounds outside

150 miles and an hour later

is that really an airport?!…let’s see, 13 member staff and no electricity…cool

immigration didn’t take long….i’m already outside, and

DRY!!! DRY!!! DRY!!!

Ok, let’s get things straight…I was told this happens to be an Island called Qeshm…


2 liters of sweat later

I see the hotel…looks like a mirage…or is it the other way around?!


Well, room’s neat…airconditioned, televisioned (great English huh?!)…

…did someone just mention bed-bugs?


HOOKAH FOR 4 BUCKS!!!…what else will anyone want

Heck a lot of smoke later…

Dinner ain’t bad man

Just walking around…checking out the native chicks…2 AM already?

Day 2

HOT!!! HOT!!! HOT!!!


ZZZZZ…..TRRRRING……somebody get the @#$% phone…

MY SIS?….ok

Me: hello
My sis : idiot, wake up. Did u get your visa yet ?… sent it an hour ago
Me: ok I’ll check…anything else
My sis: get the ticket confirmed and come down here today
Me: do I have to come so early…what’ the rush
My sis: @#$%&!!!
Me: but it’s too hot to fly…ok I’ll come…


My opponent starts getting the wrong balls into the holes…ASS

Anyways…already on the flight…and once again,



Life couldn’t be any better than this…

Friday, May 19, 2006


Whatever is written in here, no one will ever believe it was posted by me

NO…. its not about me and this post
…It’s about WHO the post is based

Someday…in the middle of Anna Nagar

Him: man u r too Slow with that bike of yours…my car would be doing 100 right now
Me: wake up dude…we are at a red light

Some other day…at coffee day

Us: are u sure u called Krati?
Him: sure I did…I sent her an email

Ultimate day ever

Him: man, my mom’s really upset with my mobile bill
Us: really…what happened?
Him: got a bill of 6000 bucks on my prepaid

Him: Guys meet my cat...
Us: nice cat...what do u call him?
Him: I just call him PUSSY !!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Guys i am full...heavy lunch....sleepy as hell...
So what do i do to feel awake??...write of course!
But then in this bloody mood who can write anything sensible?..
oops wait!...what else is this blog for??...if it can take space time physics and japanese psuedoscience...well it can take this as well...

Glimpses of what joy!

Hyd trip 1 - -

Vineet: "We will finish 18 school and maybe make a movie out of it"
Hameed: "of course Shah Rukh, and Aamir get to play us"
Vineet: "of course,....what are we doing in life man.." sigh..
Hameed: "Saala! nautanki working and sad face making!"

Hyd Trip 2 - -

Drunken state.

Arvind: " with Tender coconut is amazing...put the volume up thats Metallica"

Anil: "Have you read Midnight's children?..100yrs of..solitude...marquez...magic realism?"

Hameed: "thirty pages of that, fifty of satanic verses..magic realism?"

Vineet: "Vidhya balan is out of the world....lets start a blog"

Chennai return leg - -

Hameed: "I feel like throwing up"
Arvind: "Talk to me da.."
Avinan: "Assholes!!"
Vineet: "Closure time!"
Anusha: "Fuck you!"
Sriram: [he kept pourin me mirinda and made me believe its vodka]"Ur drink dude..."

.....swift crashed

Be alive.
Be dead.

Three cheers for psuedoscience!

Facts are not much fun till they give you deep insights into your 'personality', right?

Fact: Blood groups are distributed unevenly over an average population. This gives the 'blue-blooded' theory some backing.
O + 1 person in 3
O - 1 person in 15
A + 1 person in 3
A - 1 person in 16
B + 1 person in 12
B - 1 person in 67
AB + 1 person in 29
AB - 1 person in 167

Beginning in approximately 1930, the Japanese embraced the idea of matching personality traits with one's blood type. The idea began when some in the west were touting the idea that the Asian peoples were more closely related to animals then humans, or lower on the evolutionary chain, since type B blood was the predominant blood type in Asians and animals. As ludicrous and unscientific as this idea was, it was insulting to say the least. Modern science disproves this obviously faulted idea. In the 1930's Furukawa Takeji set out to disprove this notion and a new idea was born.However, the idea of personality traits being influenced by blood type remains. Companies in Japan even had divided workers by blood type.

Here are the general ideas of each blood type. The Rh factor plays no role in the blood type/personality idea:

Type O:Type O's are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.

Type A:While outwardly calm, they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside. Type A's are the most artistic of the blood groups. They can be shy, are conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive.

Type B:Goal oriented and strong minded, type B's will start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. Type B's are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life.

Type AB:Type AB's are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.

I know, I know. It did stem from the fact that I had no nostalgic memories to write about. Feel free to hit the guy who invited me. But having a token female member prevents any future lawsuits on grounds of discrimination.

Monday, May 15, 2006


55 days…since I started out from the city we all call home…

… As I live the moment
… I can’t believe this life to be real
… This land I walk upon
… Like a home, I never feel

Coffee, tea-kadai and avi’s swift… did those moments really exist?!

My last night spent on the shores of Besant nagar… I can still smell the ocean

… NO MORE!!!

All I have is this life, right here in dUbai….

Dont keep things bottled up!

It grows on you, this addiction towards some people. It is good though, an addiction i wish everyone develops. Once in a while it help to follow what is written on the 7 up bada bottle. I noticed it when i was getting drunk, it says "dont keep things bottled up!" and i guess thats the way things among fronds should be. It is not only the booze that ought to flow, its the bitterness too, it shd mix with the vodka and dilute away, get dispelled in the air and fizz away. for some time the stench will sure remain. But soon that too will go away.

yeh ki ho raha hai ...

The grass was greener
The light was brighter
With friends surrounded
The nights of wonder...

I never like mondays, first of all the stress to push yourself to work. And mondays get worse when you have just spent a weekend with people you cherish and have returned gloomy.
There are things in life that are very hard to get and tougher to realize when you have them. Guess the '18 school road' is one such thing - its some hidden bond that will exist for good no matter what.
For the time being I'm just looking at the horizon - that one thin line and hoping that I will get rid of this hangover sooner or later.
...while pink floyd adds on to my nostalgia.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I am back to work on teusday, yesterday i excersised my contitutional right to vote for the first time. It was a pleasent experience, everything went on smoothly in my constituency -villivakkam- which the the biggest in India (population wise). After that it was time to go meet the duchess who had arrived from across seven seas. Well as a consequence of which i even got to meet pallavi. This reminds me that the last time i saw Pallavi was also the last time i saw Anusha which is to say nearly a year ago. Vineet is due fri night and sri is due sat morn..i guess it been a good start to the summer. Its a pity though that i have no summer vacations anymore.....but lucky palli and avi...they r still students and can enjoy their summer vacations....while ppl like me, arvind and Vin are leading the life of professionals.
leading upto the vacation where kavi, ambi, bajji may also drop in and it promises to be an interesting to all u guys WELCOME TO CHENNAI!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

no place like home

somebody rightly said "home is where the heart is"
i write this sitting comfortably in my living room on my wifi lappie in cochin ..gods own country.

Its been just 3 hours back at home and I've already realized what a good idea it really was to take a break from hyd. -- the heat, the big city, the traffic, the girls, work -- and come back home!
some fresh air, the greenery, HOME, the humididty (think i like tht too), fish curry short BLISS

'Home' is where my heart is :-)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

pointless debate!

when you are jobless yet full of ideas -- this is what happens!!

"If u r driving at the speed of light, what will happen if u turn-on the head lights?"


you wont be able to see the light of head light!!
since relative to you the light particles will be at the source will never come out of it - as simple as this...(eg: you travel at the same speed as your friends car....for u he is always still right)


even if u r moving at the speed of light...light will have the same speed 'C' in ur frame.(universal constant)
ideally u wont remain on the bike if ur moving at 'C' as u will be converted to Energy

*assumptions hold - we are all safe...mass remains mass*

M = M0/root(1-v^2/c^2) ...
there is no relative speed for light...
its a universal constant for all frames...
(Einstein General Theory of Relativity)

the light from the headlight will still be the same for u on the bike - thats the key.
u will still see everything, assuming no optical dillusions happens at that speed and the road still remains road in front of u

well its very difficult to say but at that speed effective mass will be zero.
So it becomes an electormagnetic wave. If u some how switch on the headlight,
relative velocity between 2 em waves is always c so u will see light!!
what do u say?

hmm... my fundas of relativity are not exactly crystal clear...whats ur answer?
well first thing - when u switch on the headlight the circuit which wil cause the light to glow will itself be electrical, so u'll be travelling as fast as the electiricty in there. Hence there really is no point.

I think when u r travelling at the speed of light, we cannot see any object from the illumination of this headlight, as the speed to light from the headlight and the your speed will be the same and hence no relative speed between the two.
The point is that still you will be able to see the objects which are self illuminating (like the stars ) and the objects illuminated by the other sources (like the planets )
Isn't it inerteresting!!!!!!!

-- another interesting answer "I dont think the Human eye can see something if he/she travels with the speed of light. so, i believe it doesnt make any diference whether the head lights are on or off."

For more dont forget to check out -

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Fear...just got a new definition this saturday evening. Wanna know what it means? Going online to book the last available tickets of "Darna Zaroori Hai"... going online again to book additional tickets coz some more whackos wanted to join in, arriving at the theatre panting and sweating(because of the sweltering heat though) and getting to realize how dumb can a person's psyche get. It made me repent sorely for the eighty bucks of hard earned green I spent on it.

Yes Darna zaroori hai completely, but wanna know from whom? Darna zaroori hai from the past/future movies those five fucked up directors created/will create(barring RGV himself I should say), Darna zaroori hai from ANY (yeah you got that right) ANY movie that is marketed as scary(or even remotely scary) by bollywood Inc., Darna zaroori hai from characters who have someone as ravishing as 'bip' as your wife in a wonderful lonely treehouse and all he does in the night is call spirits?...yeah...of all the things in the world that he could have done...spirits...damn., Darna zaroori hai from pyscho miniature insurance sales reps coz they'll make you value your life (or the lack of it) only to get themselves fucked, Darna zaroori hai from stupid school kids who do not realize their friends becoming zombies in the process of listening to a stupider story told by some age old dadi maa whoz already counting her seconds... Darna zaroori hai from giving a lift to someone as flirtatiously cheap as mallika who expects to show her 44s and 28s and expects a patni vrath to give her a lift and Khabardaar if anyone tries to screw (or even think of screwing) her - you'll be MURDERed and more than ever Darna "Bilkul" zaroori hai from your own stupidity, coz you did not learn the lessons that "Darna Mana Hai" taught you about why you shouldn't watch a bollywood scary movie. Yeah you bollywood all deserve every ounce of this spat that RGV's Factory has shoved up your sweet buns.

Bottomline: "A wholesale package of shit for the multiplexes...just like the ones you get in the mandis of chandni chowk."

Thursday, April 27, 2006


I have a little extra i thought i might as well do a litlle analysis about myself, and so i did...then i had a little more i thought why not post the analysis on the here it goes

First off ...the object of analysis cant be took up one particular perspective...i told myself.."Why not analyse my fears"...and by doing that i have overcome my first fear...which was analysis my that it is out of the way lets get down to one by one my fears


This is amazing.....the dream to be able to drive ..... stands right besides winning a booker, but yes..i am afraid of driving...every time i picture myself driving i see myself falling or driving off the road or worst driving into some huge vehicle....i'd think it has someting to do with the incident when i learnt to drive a cycle and ended up hitting a truck and the wheel of the truck screeching to a stop and inch or two from my face....i still wake up scared from sleep with that tyre in my eyes.


guys i cant get near water!!....nopes....i can put my feet in water...or wet them in the beach...but swiming?? no!!...Again i picture myslef as only drowing and being saved....i am best suited to be one of those saved by the ladies in Baywatch..:-)


This is tricky...i fear that someone might use the machine after i leave to take money from my account...what if the machine spews torn notes??...what if the card doesnt come out?...what if the money doesnt come out but still gets debitted from the account.??....I once used the ATM when vineet and arvind forced me to...but i havent gone into that booth alone....jus cant get myself to do it..

4) FEAR OF ONLINE TRANSACTION ....jus....too...complicated.....dont know why...lots a things can go wrong...will surely...truly...stay away from this!!

there u have it fears.....they are there....u may think they r dumb...but then thats me..

the mind of a masochist.

Its been a very tiresome day so far.
8 a.m -- got up - got woken up actually by two phone calls -
first 'ani cell' :D and then my mother -- wishing me on my b'day (as per the Star)!!

11 a.m -- after the phone calls, slept further and finally got up (got bored sleeping).

11.15 a.m -- Got ready, called up Abdul for breakfast. He had just gotten up too so I decided to wait for him. I continued reading 'Freakonomics' - by Lewitt.

12.30 p.m -- After getting bored reading that crap, finally went had a dosa and headed for work.

1 p.m -- checked mail,scraps, headed for lunch.

3 p.m -- rite now very utterly jobless. Thinking of going for this movie Ice Age 2( 5:30 show).

bit confused, bit tired ( crap!! Arsenal in the final's of the CL - man if they win I dont wanna watch football anymore :-( )

-- signing off - apologise for the lousy post!

and if ure still wondering why that title - sorry I dont know either.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Friday Evenin Syndrome

After another mundane week which I had to painfully endure, came Friday. With all her glory that she carries unfailingly every shabuwa, I could see her sense of enthusiam transceding upon me as I lay jobless at my desk. The clock was ticking and it was already 6:30 PM, when the inner voice actually woke up 'Wut da fuck is you doing with your Friday evening? Is you gonna waste all yer Friday evenin sittin in front of this no good T.V?"... It's a computer, I correct my inner voice with frustration. "Wut do I know? I is wut I is - jus a black inner voice." Man, i'd rather take a break from this shit anyway. Ham and Avi pitch in (after a lot of lobbying with the so called penniless ham) and we decide upon doing somethin which we are best at doing. Thronging the movie halls!!! And we decide upon going to 'underworld Evolution' , inspite of those fuckedup ubiquitous posters all around the city. I gave avi a choice between rendition and perdition (Underworld Evolution and Being Cyrus), he preferred to get rended than to get purged with a signature lazy dialogue "Maaan....I don wanna see those typa movies da....some ["pause" ] fuckedup asshole would have taken the movie for some fucked up shit and v'll be stuck in the theatre watching some["bigger pause"] blah-blah" did u get a head or tail from that line? neither did I and neither have I over the years. Out in the restaurant with ham, the inevitable topic comes into limelight-'Ham's Obsession with food'. I was genuinely happy when he ordered a plate of parotta and paya only to realize that the catch lay in the paya. When I saw the wholesome chunk of mutton, the little hope when crashing down his belly. And so we get into the hall and get comfortable in our seats and begin our no good Bosch about the tabooed sexualities and start cooking up accusations about each other - murdering our reputation to tatters. We were profane enough to relocate a couple sitting in the front row, and the palaber came to a grind when the trailor of The DaVinci Code left us spell bound...did I say spell bound? then MI3 and Pudhupettai blew us away(avi and me that is, coz with ham it would be technically impossible). Nothing special about the actual movie though...just lots and lots of blood sucking, memory storage by the gallons, confusing people and even more confusing sexual orientation(jus for the kicks what would happen if a half werewolf half vampire screw a complete vampire)...and there came our Friday endeavor to brighten up the ever dulling sides of our lives...and yeah before I forget, on the way back home ham and I were discussing if avi had the balls to shoot his own ass, now the question comes why would someone require balls to...hmmm ok nevermind..."shik" them all man

Friday, April 21, 2006


Many a time people get misunderstood in their lives , sometimes its not so funny. So when you read this please be nice and do feel sorry for me.

We were at this friend's place for a SRISHTI meeting, and good ol Srinath wanted to have con puffs for snacks, so me and another buddy got on a bikle and went to a grocery store nearby.

we stopped and he waited across the street while i headed towards the store.
I reached there panting, as i had to run to cross the road ....
A group of aunties with long lists for items to buy were waiting for the lone shopekeeper to bring them groceries out one by one....
As the shopkeeper was far inside i shouted out "Anna one pack con puffs!!"
without any thougt the guy shouted back "Condoms medical store sir"
Now the aunties stopped looking at their lists and gave me a dirty look...
"No Anna For snacks" i said more slowly facing away from the aunties
"No sir No sex no condom" his reply came back...damn the dumb aunties heard what he said and not what i said....the world chooses what it wants to hear...and they get what they want served on a platter, for just at that instant my friend from across the street shouted out "Com'on da, hurry up, cant wait!"
Thats when the Aunties took a step backward
I am sure they had much to talk after i took my flight away from the store of misunderstandings...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

She's got the look

there's this pretty thing near my place :-)... head turner, forever sensual.
y'day nite I had this wonderful dream -
me and her on my Unicorn, swaying one side then the other, me gushing in glory - she looking pretty as a daisy and the moment was forever! we were out to lunch together and things could'nt get better!

All this to end, with a whisper and then a thud - 'Abey toothpaste kahan par hai' ( was Ham who was in hyd for the weekend).Feeling deprived and cursing Ham abudantly, I had to wake up and go on with my early morning chores.

Today morning, had this bright idea - went up to her and ( btw I havent indulged in any kind of a conversation with 'the pretty one' ever) said --
"Hey u know - had this dream yday - U and I, on my bike, going out to lunch! what say - game for a Deja Vu? "
She looked up, gave me that look (oh! boy) -- a nod of approval -- said
" u're right - You really need some sleep"

(meanwhile i'm back at my desk!)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


It was awesome ...and thats the word....but the sad part was that we had to part, ...but then again no one ever realizes the worth of somethin unless its lost, and thats so true...its been long time since i had so much fun....i guess we owe it to the fact that we guys have such boring lives other than the time we spend together..and so we let it flow when the time is ripe....its a damn short life ....and i guess i have made enuf good friends to last me twice over... The fun got magnified cuz arvind agreed to come....the rock pubbing and all night boozin added magic to the whole experience ...also the fact that i had someone with me during the return journey was heartening....

Now i am back to mundane routine of job-weekend-job.....waiting with a baited breath for the mega one in will be the celebration of a decade of accosiation..will continue to post...

btw...vineet lost a game of pool to the master himself(me) :-)))

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The trip to the Sheher of Nawabs

The 12th of April 2006, started off on a what I thought would be just another fun trip to hyderabad, which turn out to be on wild trip through the memorable memory lane. My fellow traveler the insightful Ham was busy reading some piece of crap about 'A curious incident about a dog in the night time' - man...people do read shit. Actually ham blurted out something really insightful during the trip (Sure it was one of the drifted flukes) which made little sense at that time - 'every time we guyz (us 4 crusaders from s.b.o.a) meet up no matter how long the separation is, we start off exactly from the same point where we had left off earlier without the usual humbug like "wassup dude" or "howz life" and crap like that'. This little piece of no-brainer actually made sense to my macaronis till the point when we actually met Vineet in hyderabad after years and years of not meeting up. We hit off right from that moment - accusing ham of something which we always enjoy doing (I bet he is as well :)) and he rebuking every statement with his whacky ol' lines...that's when I realized we really had it in us and it dawned on me that distance or time did'nt really matter when it came to us guyz. I'd say I thought this trip's gonna take off real good when I met vineet...but I was proved wrong it turned out to be AWESOME.

Joe Sat -- do I hear you

So what'd we do Sunday evening :D??
After a lavish lunch at 'Koyla', we guys went shopping - for optics er sunglasses.
Wait it aint nothing ordinary - I was heading towards the Ray Ban counter to check 'em out - yeah 't classic aviator RayBan shades'.

After a lot of confusion, indecision and thoughful intervention we decided to buy them -
a neat classic RayBan - size 55 - price 2.7k :-)

And as i strode out of the 'Shoppers Stop mall ...wearing my new RayBan shades -- I couldnt help but notice a hint of delight on my face....unreal!
There was this neat looking chic ( 'hard core soft porn babe') --- she looked my side, slowly turning away to smile and softly whisper "Maverick" :D :D :D!!!

....and wondering as I ride back home - showing off my new 'claim to fame', listenting to the Top Gun anthem being played in the background(enjoying this moment of bliss).

return to innocence

Life and times of these thorough gentlemen may never cease to amaze you, but just for one moment -- look at them and ponder ....u will realize there is "God" in you too!